Comunicar 50 (01-2017):  Technologies and second languages

   Interesting CfP that wants to encourage research related to affective and cognitive aspects in learning second languages, through digital environments.

The following issues could be a good guide:

• ICT is a sector that progresses rapidly thanks to an industry that invests, researches and develops constantly new products, in a clear example of what Daniel Innerarity called heterochrony on other fields such as education. How did occur the inclusion of ICT in the context of language learning? What experiences can be considered good practices and how can they be transferred to other contexts? What are the benefits and risks offered by technology, and specifically ICT in the classroom languages?

• Modern languages learning is based roughly on a communicative interaction process leading to the development of competence: How is learning affected by incorporating technology, and what innovative learning formats arise from it? Is the development of competence accelerated or not by the use of technology? Does it generate a significantly different competence? Are there any new aspects within this competence?

• One frequently asked aspect in the introduction of technology in education is its relation to different types of users and learners: What kind of students find higher benefits in technology? What kind of benefits are there and with what technological solutions? What kind of risks or harm for the language student is there in the use of ICT? Specifically, how can technology be an effective tool for language learning both in school and group contexts and in situations of autonomous and independent learning?

• The classic distinction between input and output in the language classroom overlaps with the idea of prosumer students. What resources does the language learner has in order to produce and receive texts, both individually and multi-managed? How are these resources used and what kind of products is generated? What impact does the use of these technological resources have on language learning?

• One especially interesting aspect for language learning is the ability to develop collaborative learning projects that connect learners of different national and linguistic contexts. What experiences of international cooperation sustained by technology can be found for language learning? What are the results? How can they be replicated?

• The language teacher is at the same time user of technology – both in the private and in the professional environment, both for teaching and for their own lifelong learning – but also a catalyst and facilitator of the user experience of their students. What professional skills do language teachers need for using technology in the classroom, and in the private environment? How can technology be a tool for teachers’ professional development and lifelong learning? What experiences of the use of technology for professional development of language teachers are there and what are the results? How can we replicate them?

Deadline: May 30, 2016            Authors Guidelines:


Catedrática en el Dpto. de Filología Inglesa de la Universidad de Huelva (España). Ha sido Vicerrectora de Formación Permanente e Innovación, directora del Centro de Investigación COIDESO y directora del Grupo de Investigación ReALL. Ha liderado varios proyectos de investigación competitivos financiados en convocatorias nacionales y autonómicas. Actualmente es también delegada del bloque de Comunicación, difusión e impacto de la Alianza europea PIONEER en la que participa la Universidad de Huelva. Sus principales líneas de investigación son factores afectivos, música y aprendizaje de lenguas, la destreza lectora, la formación del profesorado de lenguas extranjeras, la innovación docente y las publicaciones científicas.