Fonseca-Mora, M.C., Fernández-Corbacho, A., Gómez-Domínguez, M. (2012). Necesidades formativas del profesorado para el desarrollo de las destrezas lectoras del alumnado de primaria y secundaria. XII Congreso de Educación Comparada: Identidades Culturales y Educación en la Sociedad Mundial, 212-224.

La destreza lectora es un instrumento básico y esencial para el éxito en la educación formal. Aún más, distintos estudios identifican la falta de alfabetización completa como un importante factor de riesgo de exclusión social. Los datos ofrecidos por distintos informes internacionales, nacionales y autonómicos que contrastamos en esta comunicación, muestran que un número significativo de estudiantes de primaria y secundaria no poseen el nivel apropiado de capacidad lectora para su edad en español como lengua materna. Revisamos también datos sobre el nivel de desarrollo de la competencia lectora en lengua extranjera ya que hay estudios que las relacionan. Finalmente, y a la luz de estos resultados se ha encuestado a profesorado de primaria y secundaria con el objeto de conocer las herramientas formativas con las que cuenta para mejorar la destreza lectora de nuestros estudiantes. Se detectan importantes carencias formativas al respecto de esta temática tanto en el profesorado de primaria como de secundaria que necesitan ser subsanadas.
Reading is a basic and essential skill for success in formal education. Furthermore, several studies identified the lack of full literacy as an important factor in risk of social exclusion. Data provided by various international, national and regional reports contrasted in this communication show that a significant number of students of primary and secondary schools do not have the appropriate level of reading ability for their age in Spanish as their mother tongue. We also reviewed data on the level of development of reading competence in foreign language since there are studies that relate them to first language acquisition. Finally, and in the light of these results teachers of primary and secondary schools were surveyed in order to know the training tools they had available to improve their students’ reading skills. Important educational shortcomings are detected concerning reading development that need to be remedied for the teaching staff of primary and secondary education.

Further reading/ complete manuscript:

María Gómez-Domínguez is a PhD researcher in the Department of English Philology at the University of Huelva, Spain. She holds a PhD and a BA in English Philology and several MA in language teaching from the University of Huelva. She has lectured at the University of Chester, United Kingdom (Modern Languages Department) where she has also carried out her international doctoral stay. She worked as a researcher in a R+D project on musical aptitude and foreign language learning funded by the Spanish Ministry (Musical perception and reading skills in a foreign language, FFI2010-15738) from 2010 to 2014. Her main research interests are Applied Linguistics, specifically English language teaching. She is currently investigating the relationship between reading skills and music perception in foreign language learning, is a member of ReALL (Research in affective language learning) and an English teacher at a school in Huelva.