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Fonseca-Mora, M.C. and Gant.M.2016.Melodies, Rhythm and Cognition in Foreign Language Learning. Cambridge Scholars.

Melodies, Rhythm and Cognition in Foreign Language Learning is a compendium of chapters that reflect on language and music, two unique, innate human capacities.
This book provides a clear explanation of how central melodies and rhythm are to foreign language learning acquisition. The interplay language-music brings to applied linguists inquires into the nature and function of speech melodies, the role of prosody, or the descriptions of rhythmical patterns in verbal behaviour. Musical students seem to be better equipped for language learning although melodies and rhythm can benefit all type of students at any age. In fact, in this book melodies and rhythm are considered a springboard to enhance the learning of foreign languages

Table of Contents

Part 1: An Overview

Chapter 1: Music and Language Learning: an Introduction
M.C. Fonseca-Mora

Chapter 2: Music: why it affects us, how Society uses it, and how this Knowledge may benefit Educators
Hamish Binns

Part 2: Music as a pathway to cognition in language learning
Chapter 3: From melodious Cries to articulated Sounds – Melody at the Root of Language Acquisition
Kathleen Wermke & Werner Mende

Chapter 4: The Relationship between Musical Aptitude and Foreign Language Skills Carmen Toscano-Fuentes

Chapter 5: Musical Training and Foreign Language Learning
Javier Ávila

Chapter 6: Teaching English Rhythm through Folk Songs
Rosalía Rodríguez Vázquez

Part 3: Melodies for very young language learners
Chapter 7: Children’s Poetry and Music in Foreign Language Learning
Cristina Aguilera Gómez and Pascuala Morote Magán

Chapter 8: A Window into composing musical Materials for young English language learners
Laurie Thain

Part 4: Songs and music in the primary language classroom

Chapter 9: Shall we sing? Orff-Schulwerk tools for rhythmic Development in L2 students
Alejandra Pacheco-Costa

Chapter 10: The Impact of Music on Creativity: exploring Classroom Research
Teresa Fleta y M. Luisa García Bermejo

Chapter 11: Songs as a valuable pedagogical Tool for EFL Primary School Children Maria Diakou

Part 5: Melodies and rhythm in the secondary and tertiary foreign language classroom

Chapter 12: Awakening Senses for Language Learning
José Manuel Foncubierta and Mark Gant

Chapter 13: La Chanson Française to develop Emotional Intelligence
Eva Adam

Chapter 14: A Music-Based Agenda for Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language
Ziwei Zhou

Chapter 15: A – B – C, it’s easy as Do – Re – Mi! Notes from The Tune Into English Roadshow, a touring didactic sing-along Show
Fergal Kavanagh


Catedrática en el Dpto. de Filología Inglesa de la Universidad de Huelva (España). Ha sido Vicerrectora de Formación Permanente e Innovación, directora del Centro de Investigación COIDESO y directora del Grupo de Investigación ReALL. Ha liderado varios proyectos de investigación competitivos financiados en convocatorias nacionales y autonómicas. Actualmente es también delegada del bloque de Comunicación, difusión e impacto de la Alianza europea PIONEER en la que participa la Universidad de Huelva. Sus principales líneas de investigación son factores afectivos, música y aprendizaje de lenguas, la destreza lectora, la formación del profesorado de lenguas extranjeras, la innovación docente y las publicaciones científicas.