Members of the R+D Project “MusicLang” financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness meet to discuss their latest findings on undergraduate students´socio-cultural habits that affect their intercultural perception


The Europe of current youth, M.Carmen Sánchez Vizcaíno (University of Huelva, Spain)

Events such as political extremes, terrorism and loss of identity are threatening the foundations of united Europe. If the future resides in the hands of our young people, it would be interesting to know their views on Europe. In short, the current European situation and the roadmap of the European project will be presented. In addition, the role of foreign language teaching within the context of European integration will be expounded.

European Identity Qualitative Review: determination of corpus and research protocol, Esther Cores-Bilbao, University of Huelva  (Spain)

In this talk I will present the successive steps carried out to delimit our research corpus, the tools utilized to collect the data and register our progress, and a preliminary account of our most salient findings.  European Identity being a research area in which the literature is extremely fragmented, our results will provide insights about the research path, current trends and future research directions in the field.

European experiences, European identity and Europeanness, M.Carmen Méndez,  University of Jaén (Spain)

Existing research on European identity reveals that individuals do not always perceive their local, regional, national and supranational identities as nested identities. However, further investigation is still needed to understand university students’ feelings of European identity. This presentation delves into the notions of European experiences and Europeanness and how to look into them. To bridge this gap, two research tools are proposed and discussed: a survey and a focus-group interview. Preliminary results on the piloting and/or implementation of these tools are also presented.