Fonseca-Mora,M.C., & Gómez-Domínguez,M.(2014).Instrumentos de investigación para el estudio del efecto de la música en el desarrollo de las destrezas lectoras en lengua extranjera. Porta Linguarum 24.

Instrumentos de investigación para el estudio del efecto de la música en el desarrollo de las destrezas lectoras

El aumento de estudios del efecto de la música en el desarrollo de las destrezas lectoras ha sido notable. Sin embargo, el panorama de resultados está fragmentado por tratarse de investigaciones multidisciplinares principalmente de lengua materna y con resultados diversos. En este artículo se revisan estudios de la última década para detallar los principales efectos encontrados y determinar los instrumentos de recogida de datos. Esto permite describir el estado actual de la cuestión y recomendar herramientas para futuros estudios sobre la relación entre música y desarrollo de destreza lectoras en una lengua extranjera.

Research instruments for the study of musical influence on reading skills

The increase in studies about the effect of music on the development of reading skills has been noticeable. However, the overview of results is fragmented due to multidisciplinary research mainly as regards L1 and with diverse results. This article reviews studies of the last decade to outline the main effects found and to determine the data collection instruments that have been used. It allows describing the current state of the issue and recommending tools for future studies on the relationship of music and reading skills in a foreign language.

Further reading/ complete manuscript:


María Gómez-Domínguez is a PhD researcher in the Department of English Philology at the University of Huelva, Spain. She holds a PhD and a BA in English Philology and several MA in language teaching from the University of Huelva. She has lectured at the University of Chester, United Kingdom (Modern Languages Department) where she has also carried out her international doctoral stay. She worked as a researcher in a R+D project on musical aptitude and foreign language learning funded by the Spanish Ministry (Musical perception and reading skills in a foreign language, FFI2010-15738) from 2010 to 2014. Her main research interests are Applied Linguistics, specifically English language teaching. She is currently investigating the relationship between reading skills and music perception in foreign language learning, is a member of ReALL (Research in affective language learning) and an English teacher at a school in Huelva.