Dear all,

We’d like to invite you to submit a proposal to the symposium ” Emotions and Second Language Learning“. Speaker:  Dr.M.Carmen Fonseca-Mora, University of Huelva (Spain). The event will be part of the  World Congress of Applied Linguists (AILA 2020)which will take place in Groningen, the Netherlands, 9-14 August 2020.


Proposals should be related to the analysis of prosodic features and emotional expression, to the analysis of emotions in intercultural communication and to the different communicative contexts that can be proposed in the language classroom to awake learners’ curiosity and meaningful interactions.

Keywords: prosody, intercultural communication, communicative contexts, emotions, second language acquisition

Your submission will need to include the following:

Author(s) and affiliation(s) . Title: max. 20 Words

Abstract: max. 300 Words . Summary for in program: max. 50 Words

The official call for papers is open now: You will find the symposium Emotions and Second Language Learning, in the list (nr.  S045).

Deadline: 16th September 2019 Notification of acceptance by 18th November 2019.

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone potentially
interested. We’re looking forward to receiving your proposals!

Kind regards,

Dr Dolors Font and Dr  Francisco Cantero

Departament d’Educació Lingüística i Literària (University of Barcelona, Spain)